Saturday 13 June 2015

Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua


Saint Anthony's real name was actually Fernando Martins de Bulhoes.Ever since he was small,he
had a great desire to be a priest.When his parents refuse to give him permission to be a priest.He 
never gave up but sought the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary.He begged her to soften the hearts of 
his parents.Finally at age 15,they allowed him and he was so thankful to his Heavenly Mother for he 
knew he could always count on her.

After hearing the death of Saint Bernard and companions,the first martyrs of the Franciscan Order,
Saint Anthony was filled with a great desire to suffer martyrdom and to spill his blood for Christ.So
he repeatedly begged his superiors to give him leave to join the Franciscan Order.

Anthony did not know that God had greater plans for him and it was not being a martyr.So as he
arrived in Africa,he became very sick without any reason.After he recovered,he was very weak
and no one bother to help him until he met Father Gratian.This Father showed him compassion and
sent him to a little convent.9 months,he was there as a chaplain to the hermits.He was given the
lowliest duties of the kitchen and convent.He accepted all sufferings given from God with all his heart
and he never lost hope in trying to fulfill God's plan in his life.

Before being very known for his miracles,he was actually very timid and quiet during his lifetime.He
could barely preach to anyone and so he spend many hours praying and by the grace of daily prayers
and meditations,he was soon transformed by the Holy Spirit into a famous preacher and an expert in
having great knowledge about the scriptures.His life was fully transformed by grace into the image
of Christ Himself.Anthony knew well that if the Lord Jesus did not take pity on him;he would have not performed as many miracles as we all can see until today done through the intercession of Saint Anthony
of Padua.

Anthony was often found preaching to the fishes at sea once he knew that the heretics refuse to listen
to his preaching of the true Gospel.The fishes at sea gave him a better response than the heretics.
Though many miracles happen during his lifetime,he never took credit for it but always offered it up to
Jesus who performed miracles through him.He knew he was a humble servant of God and that God
always chooses the lowest to do the highest miracles and wonders in God's name.Anthony knew
that HUMILITY was his KEY to Heaven.

That is why Mother Mary entrusted the Child Jesus to Anthony for she knew her son was very found
of him.She knew that Anthony made her little child happy so by the order of her son,she appeared to
Anthony with the Child Jesus in her arms.She gave Anthony the honour to hold the Child Jesus in his
arms and to take care of her little child since the Child Jesus desired deeply to spent time with
Anthony and Mother Mary knew well that her child's wishes should be granted.That is how the
Child Jesus appeared many times to Anthony.

Though it has been 784 years after his death,Anthony stands firms until this very day and is truly
a great model of HUMILITY;especially today when the world has become so prideful with all its knowledge,wealth and evilness.We should follow his way of  HUMILITY which he followed well
from Jesus.We also must be very careful not to parade our good deeds before men to be noticed by
them for this kind of deeds are the ones done in vain but rather do the deeds that are seen by the
Father and He will reward you greatly in Heaven.We can see this well through the life of Anthony
who practiced this well during his life which made him be enrolled among the saints the very next year
after his faithful death by Pope Gregory IX.Saint Anthony was canonized (declared a saint) less 
than 1 year after his death.Finally was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XII on
16 January 1946.       

This all was POSSIBLE due to his great HUMILITY which he always kept dear to his heart until
this very day.Every miracle performed by him until today,is never done to get appaluse from people
but rather done to bring people closer to God and to glorify God's name.

Quotes of Saint Anthony of Padua:
  • The spirit of humility is sweeter than honey,and whoever is fed by this sweetness produces fruit.
  • Mary provides shelter for the sinner.
  • Just as a tower defends a fortress,so humility of heart defends bodily chastity from the darts of fornication.
  • Listen to the word of God,O ye fishes of the sea and of the river,seeing that the faithless heretics refuse to do so.
  • Actions speak louder than words;let your words teach and your actions speak.
  • The SAINTS are like the stars.In his providence Christ conceals them in a hidden place that they may not shine before others when they might wish to do so. Yet they are always ready to exchange the quiet of  contemplation for the works of mercy as soon as they perceive in their heart the invitation of Christ.

Saint Anthony,Model of Humility,plead for us to the Child Jesus that we may be granted the
grace of humility in our hearts.May we always carry Christ humility in our hearts and respond with
love towards all the insults of this world.Pray for our hearts to be cleansed by Jesus most precious
Blood so that we will be able to accept Him worthly in our hearts.Saint Anthony through thy
intercession bring the Child Jesus clearly into our hearts to experience the true humility of Christ
Saint Anthony of Padua,whose heart is ever humble and truly holds the Child Jesus in Thy arms,
Pray for us!

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