Monday 6 July 2015

Feast of Saint Maria Goretti


Maria was a very simple and poor child but was a prayerful girl.She had a very beautiful attitude and she was transparent in her Faith.Her attitude reflected on God and Jesus' Divine image shone brightly
upon her little soul.

Little Maria had many difficulties in her life and if any child was in her place would have easily gave 
up on God but she was different because she never gave up! Problems became worse due to her
dad,Luigi who was poor in health,he needed 2 men to help him:Giovanni Serenelli & son,18-year-old Alessandro.They moved in with the Goretti’s,adding more work for little Maria and her mother.
Soon her dad contracted malaria and died.Before dying he told Assunta to take the children and leave
their home because he told her it was not safe but Maria refuse to leave because she knew she would
be far away from the place where she had so many memories with her dad.This made it worse for little Maria because she loved her dad and missed him.She would go daily to the Cemetery to visit her dad
and place flowers for him.She would explain how her day was to her dad and then return home happily.

Soon problems started to rise,her mum was forced to work in the fields by Giovanni who was
threatening to throw them out.Little Maria took over the care of the household and the younger children.Though she was little,she always had a strong motherly attitude towards her siblings.She
cared for each one and loved them deeply.She had a very selfless attitude towards them and gave
her all to take care of them.

Days passed by and Alessandro grew deeper in evil and lustful desires,he spent his free time reading
lurid magazines and decorated his room with impure pictures.He fixed his misguided affections on
little Maria.He thought she was small and knew nothing so it would be easy to catch her in his lustful
attempts and so he made her life a living Hell.He tried to be nice and trick her into his evil intentions.

Engulf  by the passions of his days and tempted by the Devil with impious reading and thoughts,
Alessandro Serenelli had been a thorn in little Maria's side.He propositioned her on several occasions
and harassed her with impure suggestions.On July 5, 1902, he would be denied no longer.As she
once again refused his sexual advance while she fought like a little tigress,shouting,
 "No! It is a sin! God does not want it!"

Alessandro lunged to the deed, stabbing Maria 14 times without mercy given and she fell to the ground bleeding in a pool of blood.She suffered terribly and he did not bother and he walked away while she
asked for his help.Soon her mother found out but it was late,she lost too much of blood.Her mother was in shock to find her in such a state,she questioned her little Maria,who answered in a weak voice,
"It was Alessandro, Mama... Because he wanted me to 
commit an awful sin and I would not."

She was then quickly rushed to the Hospital.On her way to the hospital,her mum heard her pray this words:
"Jesus you have suffered so much for me,
please help me in my suffering for you"

At the hospital,she was thirsty and begged for water.She cried: "I thirst',but even in their pity they could
not give her water because due to the severe stabs that pierced her heart,her lungs and her intestines
were severed.Her mother only could soaked her handkerchief with Holy Water and touch it to little
Maria's lips.Little Maria lived 24 hours just enough to receive the Last Sacraments.She was made a
Child of Mary and was given the Medallion with a blue ribbon to be placed around her neck.Little Maria
kissed it gently and prayed:
" Mary conceived without sin pray for us
who have recourse to Thee"

On the Sunday morning,6 July 1902,she was given her Holy Communion and suddenly her face glowed
with a supernatural light.She gently said: 
" I forgive my murderer out of my love for Jesus.
Alessandro will join me in Heaven,as I have forgiven
 him and I pray that God will too.Soon I will meet
 him face to face!"

She whispered:"The Madonna is waiting for me"...
July 6,1902,at 3.45pm,little Maria at age 11 and 9 months old died while she kissed the cross.After her death an enormous public outpouring of devotion took place.Many knelt to the ground praying and
crying at her graveside;many asked for her intercession and received an answer immediately.
She was beatified on April 27,1947 by the Roman Catholic Church.She was then canonized on
June 24,1950 and finally was declared a Saint in St. Peter's Square by Pope Pius XII,becoming the
youngest officially recognized Roman Catholic saint ever. 

“Behold, now she follows the Lamb who
 was crucified for us,powerful in virginity,
modesty her offering,a sacrifice on
 the altar of chastity.”

Quotes of Saint Maria Goretti:

  • "He loves,He hopes,He waits.Our Lord prefers to wait Himself for the sinner for years than keep us waiting an instant.." 

Heroic Martyr of Purity,protect us in this world of darkness.Pray for us to be granted
grace to grow deeper in love with Jesus and to avoid whatever that will tarnish our 
souls with sin.Prevent us from being damned to Hell due to the sins of the flesh and 
shield us with the Blood of Jesus which defended you from being tarnished by the sin
of lust.Intercede for us and the world until we are all gathered safely in the Heavenly Kingdom of God.Amen
Saint Maria Goretti,Virgin that was in the Blood of the Lamb,shield us with the
Blood of Christ Jesus! 

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