Wednesday 1 April 2015

Feast Day of Blessed Diego Luis De San Vitores


Blessed Diego Luis was unafraid to die and was well prepared to die because he knew it was a great grace to die as a Martyr.The Glory of a Martyr is the greatest in Heaven because the Martyrs in Heaven has been given a great reward for their sufferings and the shedding of their blood which they offered up to Christ.
The GREATEST GRACE is to be Martyred but few are called to this grace.

Remember if we are ever called to be Martyrs of Christ,do not think twice but rather be prepared like Blessed Diego Luis and pray for the grace of martyrdom and seek Mother Mary by reciting the rosary to her.For Mother Mary can turn all your recitations of the rosary into comforting blankets that will cover you during your martyrdom.By that,you will able to earn the Martyr's Crown.

**Pope John Paul II,October 6,1985 beatified Father Diego Luis San Vitores for such bravery and courageous act of love for Jesus and his Faith   

Blessed Diego Luis trusted in Jesus and Mary all his life and never worried about the day of his martyrdom instead prayed fervently to Jesus and Mary.His martyrdom proves the words of Jesus who said,
"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."- Deuteronomy 31:6

Almighty God,through the prayers of Blessed Diego,grant us the grace to be brave and courageous if we are called to be martyrs and even if it is not your will for us to be martyrs,may we be faithful to you until our death.Blessed Diego pray for us to continue to spread the faith to those who are lost despite the darkness of this world;may we bring light to them like how you did during your stay on earth.Amen
Blessed Diego,Apostle of the Marianas,pray for us!

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